The following videos are 2 weeks before my amputation.
If you are a First Nation/Indigenous health promotor, I give you consent to use the videos in your workshops. Please acknowledging the source.
• Leaving the hospital
• Seeing the leg for the first time 2 weeks after surgery.
• Mirror therapy
• Christmas event commitment
• Happy New Year’s Tips and Insights
This is the 3-4 period of my amputation. The more acute pain is just beginning to subside. I see my Orthopedic surgeon. I still have two staff members working from my home which means I have to work 3 hours a day or more. And believe it or not I am already put in a prosthesis and putting weight on my leg.
- My first follow-up with the Orthopedic Surgeon 3 weeks after surgery.
- A vlog on my experience with a mishap in the hospital where I accidentally did not receive any pain medication post-op after my amputation.
- How others around me are experiencing my amputation.
- Emergency evacuation
- First Time Walking
These videos show my in-patient rehabilitation. I do get a weekend pass and share some thoughts on that. I credit the in-patient rehabilitation with my incredible progress. I was released one week earlier than expected.
I went straight from the hospital to the airport. I had business commitments to fulfill and flew to another city to facilitate a three day meeting. It is difficult to believe today. It was successful and enjoyable. And then BOOM COVID-19 hits and everything comes to a full halt including my business.
- Flying as a 9 week amputee
- Business meeting
- What’s in my purse
- It’s just a Glitch – when you go backwards in your progress
- Facing COVID-19 as a new Amputee
Activities of Daily Living is my focus here particularly as we are isolated in our home. I live alone with my two young girls. Some topics include
- Managing stairs
- Putting on the new leg
- My physio exercises
- Getting into the car
- Depression, amputation and COVID-19
- Walking outdoors on rough terrain to get the mail
- Virtual physiotherapy (the new reality)
- My morning routine as a new amputee
Changes are afoot. I have hit the six foot mark post amputation. My clunker of a temporary prosthesis designed to help build muscle (remember how thin I was in the earlier videos) will soon be replaced by a lighter laminate prosthesis. I have now built up muscle in both legs. We have also tried out a new liner to make my residual bony limb more comfortable in the prosthesis. The following videos show me trying more active and sharing my experience with the changes.
- The new gel liner – vlogs at the beginning, middle, end
- Overcoming psychological hurdles as an amputee
- My bedtime ritual
- Mopping floors, risks and exercise
Zoo trip – From Heatwave to a non-stop pouring rain and how we managed as an amputee. At one point I almost ask zoo staff to get us out of there in spite of the one-way directions.